We said goodbye to our beautiful Paddy on 18th May 2023
who sadly suffered a stroke. We knew we wouldn't have
you for much longer but you improved so much in 3 days.
Sadly you suffered another clot causing you to go blind
and decline more. You had become deaf a year before your
quality of life was our priority. You out lived so many
that came and went and we thought you would be with us
forever if only that could be true. Letting you go was
the hardest goodbye in 22 years of rescuing. Your rescue
was so sad we decided that you would become our logo and
mascot back in 2006 for Orpington Cat Rescue a reminder
of how your li fe was saved. You were the most calm,
chilled cat adored affection and greeted everyone who
visited humans and furry. Your nick names were Paddy maginty magoo, Goo Goo or just plain Paddy. You took
every cat or kitten under your wing never fazed by any
of them. As an old veteran over the years you showed the
ropes to the younger ones. We have so many wonderful
memories you being with us for 17 years!. You came to us
after a member of the public called us the day after
boxing day in 2005 you were found collapsed in
street, skin and bone weighing less than 2kgs, your coat
covered in yellow pus, your skin so bad from urine and
faeces burns, your claws so long growing in your pads
causing so much pain, with yellow pus oozing. The vet
said it was the worst case of neglect she had ever seen
in 29 years. We decided to call you Paddy as this fitted
because of the one of the many things that were wrong
with your health when you came to us. After much
medication, treatment it took a year to get you better
and you remained on medication for a few more years you
blossomed into a 7kg chunky monkey. Everyone loved you.
Rubbing on people's feet, legs and very partial to
handbags. Your tummy rubs and dribbling all over them.
You bonded with dear Teddy a black Rescue cat who we
took in 4 weeks before in 2005 and remained devoted to
each other until sadly Teddy was PTS in July 2021.
That's when you started to go down hill including going
deaf was it just old age or was it you missed your Teddy
we will never know if only you could of talked to us.
You loved the running water from the tap, drinking from
all the puddles, pots, watering cans in the garden. Your
night time catnip mice hunting around the house, your
rough and tumbles with Marmalade, Teddy and the many
kittens who hung around you. You was always in charge
all the cats washed you you had the m all wrapped around
your paws Goo Goo. You never gave us any trouble except
when being stubborn and lazy wanting us to open the back
door when you had a perfectly good catflap. Considering
your past your health was relatively good for many years
except a dodgy limp like having a wooden leg from a hip
injury before you came to us causing constipation from
time to time. There will never be another Paddy we have
lost a very very special boy our hearts are so broken
without you. No more cuddles with you, our laps missing
you, your sweet meow no more.
RIP sweet boy you will now be with your Teddy. Until we
meet again our darling boy sleep tight we will always
always love you forever. |