Paddy Orpington Cat Rescue
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We have 13 PERMANENT CATS in our care at present. They have remained with us for many reasons but mostly due to long term ill health or semi feral to feral and sometimes just because they are plain black! The funds we raise not only have to feed and pay for vets bills for the cats we have for homing but also the 13 permanent cats. This puts on a huge strain with our food and vet's bills and as time goes on the younger ones become older and these encounter elderly conditions of medication and treatment.

It doesn’t take long for the bills to mount up even though we do our up most to keep costs down and receive large discounts from our vets, we all know that treatment is costly. So, here is our beautiful bunch of 15 felines who are cared for in homes to see out their days in luxury, warm cosy with plenty of food and love which is never in short supply. We never put a cat to sleep because of age or treatable illnesses it is purely their quality of life and any suffering that would determine the end the life of any cat in our care.

If you wish to make a donation towards their care as a one off or a regular donation this can be as little as a £1 a month to as much as you like. Every £1 makes all the difference. £1 a month that’s not even a cost of 1 cup of takeaway coffee. Can you make that difference and help relieve the pressure on our finances.

Our bank details are as follows


Account 41232675

Sort code 09 01 27

 Donating is easy please click on the large donate button and select either to pay a one off payment or monthly payment by Debit/Credit Card/Paypal. This can all be done via our website NO forms to fill in. Or if you prefer you can set up a one off or regular payment by standing order to Santander Bank Account number 41232675 Sort code 09-01-27, or alternatively please complete a multi donation form and send it in the post with a cheque made Payable to Orpington Cat Rescue.
We have created a wish list through Amazon, where we have listed much needed items for the cats.
If you would like to donate any items please click on the Amazon button below.

Amazon Wishlist
Paypal Donating is easy please click on the large donate button and select either to pay a one off payment or monthly payment by Debit/Credit Card/Paypal. This can all be done via our website NO forms to fill in. Alternatively you can make a one off or regular payment by Bank Transfer to our Santander Bank Account number 41232675 Sort code 09-01-27. Please quote your name as a reference.
LuckyLucky is a cream ginger and white male is a friendly boy, still very agile for his age, we are looking for a quiet home with a safe garden.
Lucky has been loved but sadly Lucky's owner has now passed away and he needs a final home to see out his retirement years. Lucky has been diagnosed with kidney issues which means he will need to be monitored by us and remain under our umbrella paying for his veterinary treatment. We have had Lucky fully vet checked, blood tested, urine analysis and dental completed. He is 14 years 6 months old and with his medical condition cats like Lucky are hard to find people who will fully adopt. This is why we seek long-term foster homes rather than spending months in a cattery especially in their last years.Lucky
Being a long-term fosterer, you would need to be able to drive and visit one of our vets we have accounts with which are all local in BR5, BR6 and BR1. If you have owned a cat before live on a quiet road, have no other cats or dogs as Lucky has never shared his home before, home part or all of the day we would love to hear from you. The golden oldies get overlooked by kittens and young cats but yet golden oldies are some of the most rewarding knowing you are giving them a loving home in their twilight years.
Can you open your heart and home to dear Lucky if so please call 07799 264510
Thank you

MobyMoby is Diabetic, now on insulin and diabetic food which he loves.
Diahorrea cleared up, his wound healed, his coat growing back.
His story why he came into our care:
He is 10 years old, sadly his owners were unable to take care of the vet bills even after some financial help to get him back on track. Difficult times for many right now. So, he was signed over to us.Moby
Moby had an old wound, diarrhoea and a matted coat. As you can see, he looks not the healthiest looking now but his beautiful eyes and face shine beyond that. A face you want to squish, a chin to rub, and fluffy paws to touch. You can see he will look a magnificent cat once his fur grows back and he gains weight.
After treatment of antibiotics and hibi scrub for the old wound, special diet and pro biotics to clear the diarrhoea, Moby has started to improve. After stool samples and bloods, he has been diagnosed with diabetes caused by untreated pancreatitis - poor Moby. He is now very stable and enjoying his new long term foster home.
Whitey Was discovered in a barn in the middle of nowhere, He was about 12 weeks old and very hungry, no other cats/mum were found. After being trapped and taken to the vets for initial health check and taken under our wing. Although in time he became friendly with me, he cannot be found if strangers approach the house, he has remained feral with other people which is extremely difficult to find a home for cats like this. Gill x
TinyTiny is a feral, born outside and was living in a coal bunker. When she came to us, she had two nine-month-old kittens and five five-week-old kittens and they were all so pretty. The older boys took some time to turn around, but luckily found a loving home where the owners were happy to work with them and eventually, they were friendly, loving boys. All the other kittens were homed very quickly, but sadly their mummy was not. Tiny stayed with me for three years in which time we tried to find her a home, but she was too timid so she stayed. Now Tiny is so much improved living indoors with me she has become my little friend, but still terrified of strangers. Gill x
VioletViolet is the remaining one left of a pair of gorgeous black kittens that came into our care in 2007. They were both bought initially from a pet shop by a young family but after a few days in their home they then realised they were feral and unsocialised. They said they wondered why the pet shop owner had worn gauntlets to get them out of the cage and realised as they couldn't get anywhere near them and just hid under the bed often spitting. They were about four months old when we took them on and despite trying very hard, spending many hours with them over a period of time to socialise them and trying to find them a suitable home, all efforts failed, so they were brought indoors from the cattery, where after a very long time they gradually became friendly with us, but still nervous with strangers. They both blossomed into gorgeous lap cats and remained very close. They were so settled it was decided they would remain in our care. Sadly Fi Fi was put to sleep at a grand age of 17. Violet was very upset when dear FiFi was no longer around. Even though she still had other resident cats as company. Violet is in good health still and we hope she continues for some time. She certainly is a gorgeous girl and loved very much.
Ma Ma & Big Boy
Ma MaBig BoyMa Ma & Big Boy and his mum were dumped in a box up a country lane behind someone's driveway gates. The woman took her children to school and when she came back there was the box containing mum and kitten! They grew into two very large cats, longhaired back and white beauties, but despite being on the website for nearly three years we had only two enquiries and they were not suitable homes, so they stayed. Gill x
EvieEvie is a British British Shorthair, who came into my care about five years ago. She was used as a breeding cat, and was given away when the breeder had no more use for her. She had never been socialised, and, to this day remains very difficult to handle as she is so timid. She is fine with my other cats, but will only allow me to put my hand up to her nose. I would love to cuddle her, but she doesn’t let me. She's so pretty, and is a little sweetheart, although the vet didn't think so when she bit his wrist so badly that he had to attend A&E!! I think she will always be fearful of people, which is rather sad. Sue x
PickleMeet beautiful Pickle, she was given her name as she always seemed to get in a pickle!. Pickle loves a lap to snuggle into, purrs and dribbles to her hearts content. She loves to be fussed and really is a very special girl. Pickle still thinks she has four legs and runs and plays, she has no problem with stairs and even a six foot fence!.
Pickle was involved in an accident the injuries pointed & which we believe were caused by a animal trap. This was not the first time and sadly the second time her paw was so badly injured the only option was to have her front leg removed as she had no feeling and completely cold the nerves and infection had spread. Pickle has adjusted well but it took her awhile. She is still very agile and her owners had no alternative but to re-home her. They were concerned if this happened a third time and only having 3 legs she wouldn't be able to get herself home with only two mobile legs. And living in rural Gloucestershire most homes are surrounded by open spaces, fields, country lanes and of course traps. There garden was impossible to cat-proof. She is now in a safe foster home with a cat-proof fenced/walled garden or catio where Pickle can still enjoy the outside but safe away from harm, with no escape route out of windows and doors at the front.
Pickle is 8 years old, spayed, fully vaccinated, chipped, vet checked and wormed/deflead.
BubbsOCT 2021
Meet beautiful chilled Bubbs. We will never know the full true story of his start in life no more than 7 to 8 weeks old. He has Contracted tendons (twisted legs) to both front legs and we have been told by a orthopaedic vet this deformity would have been from birth. In some cases where the deformity is in one area the legs can have splits applied and changed daily over a period of time and then have use of all the legs for walking but not able to bend. Sadly Bubbs has this deformity in several areas of each leg so this procedure cannot be used.
So now we need to go down other avenues of building his strength on his back legs. And assess him daily, already in a matter of a weeks he has gone from hardly walking to running around using one of his front legs like a monkey and using his back legs like a rabbit. He has gained weight and already blossoming.
Was he still in a litter but fighting to get to food, so not strong enough or was he taken from his mum to soon we will never know so all we can do is move forward with the best outcome possible.
He has now built up strength to jump on the sofa to.
This little fella is determined and with the TLC, veterinary treatment and advice we are confident he will thrive and will be able to lead a life here at Orpington cat Rescue with access to a secure garden, company of other cats and plenty of attention just like all the other cats here with special needs.

JAN 2022
Fast forwarding a few weeks now and Bubbs at 22 weeks old has now been neutered and continues to thrive and lead a normal life. He has yet to discover the garden but when the better weather is here in a couple of months he will have, just like all the other kitties, a safe cat proof fenced garden to explore and finding out about grass, trees, mud, bushes to hide and play in.
Enjoying the sunshine the fresh air and with the help of us use Swings, climbing frames and toys.
WilliamSweet William a dear little cat, but very nervous, not feral though. We believe he was bought as a kitten, loved and made a fuss of, but not neutered, probably let out early and became lost having to fend for himself, this has made him very nervous indeed. Same old story, he was noticed eating fox's scraps in the middle of the night on several occasions, terribly thin and very nervous and as it was the beginning of November, we wanted to get him in before November 5th, which we did. He came into foster with us and we did our best to prepare him for a home life. He was neutered, chipped, vaccinated and checked over and eventually someone who had had a cat from us before, was interested in him and kindly offered him a home, but sadly after a month we had a phone call to say they were bringing him back, he was a bit of a handful and had bitten, so back he came into foster. He is happy where he is at the moment but we'll see how he gets on. Maybe he'll be suitable one day to go to a new home, we'll see, but for now he remains as a permanent foster cat in one of a foster care home but there's no rush, we just want the best for William.
GerardGerard may look a round tubby boy now, but he was nothing like this when we first took him in. Apparently he had been calling at several houses in the same road each day, where kind neighbours had been giving him scraps and he was getting by, but one neighbour who used to feed the foxes, noticed him waiting in the bushes every night to get a feed and this became a regular thing and when it was raining hard one night and she saw him asleep on her wheely bin she realised he was a stray and something had to be done. After scanning him his owner was located, but he didn't seem worried about him at all, hadn't reported him missing and it had been weeks and to top it all didn't bother to collect him once he was informed, it was really obvious he didn't want poor Gerrard at all, so he became one of Orpington Cat Rescues foster cats. As time went on, we realised Gerrard wasn't a cuddly cat and could give quite a bite, didn't like being stroked much and was not a lap cat. Eventually he settled down and never ventures much from the garden, so he is settled and happy and his fosterer doesn't mind him with all his faults in fact she loves him.
PrincessPrincess was a young cat when she came to us, no more than 2 years old in November 2023 she was born outside, with little human contact in her first stages of her life. Princess is a very nervous cat, semi feral and not easily handleable. Princess has had 3 litters that we know of. Princess needs a very calm environment, no other pets or children and lots of time and patience she deserves a chance and not automatically placed in an outdoor environment of a farm or stables, as we can stroke her and pick her up now after spending time with her she is not aggressive in anyway.
When she came in November 2023 with her last and final litter of 6 kittens all born outside progress has been made but Princess was proving difficult to rehome as a full adoption so we made the decision she would remain under Orpington Cat Rescue care but as a long-term foster in one of our long-term foster homes. Getting more space, one to one attention, no other cats or distractions, to continue her socialising. Of course, we knew she would go backwards temporarily in a new environment but long-term living in a cattery environment was not a long-term solution.
We know her steps will be slow but she now has a permanent safe home to call her own and queen of her own castle. No more kittens no more just surviving on the streets. A happy ending for this beautiful girl.                                                                                           © Orpington Cat Rescue