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If you would like to donate any items please click on the Amazon button below.
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Black Cats
Black cats and black & white cats often get overlooked in favour of ‘prettier’ colours
Give a black & white cat or a black cat a chance!

Shrinking Violets
Nervous cats often too get overlooked, yet they can be the most loyal pets given time. Earning their love and trust can be very rewarding.

Indoor Cats
Want a cat, but live in a flat? Some cats can be better suited to the indoor life: cats with FIV, deaf cats, blind cats, very nervous or elderly cats, or simply cats that have previously been used to living indoors.
*****MEET OUR*****
*****CAT WALK ****
LuckyLucky is a cream ginger and white male is a friendly boy, still very agile for his age, we are looking for a quiet home with a safe garden.
Lucky has been loved but sadly Lucky's owner has now passed away and he needs a final home to see out his retirement years. Lucky has been diagnosed with kidney issues which means he will need to be monitored by us and remain under our umbrella paying for his veterinary treatment. We have had Lucky fully vet checked, blood tested, urine analysis and dental completed. He is 14 years 6 months old and with his medical condition cats like Lucky are hard to find people who will fully adopt. This is why we seek long-term foster homes rather than spending months in a cattery especially in their last years.Lucky
Being a long-term fosterer, you would need to be able to drive and visit one of our vets we have accounts with which are all local in BR5, BR6 and BR1. If you have owned a cat before live on a quiet road, have no other cats or dogs as Lucky has never shared his home before, home part or all of the day we would love to hear from you. The golden oldies get overlooked by kittens and young cats but yet golden oldies are some of the most rewarding knowing you are giving them a loving home in their twilight years.
Can you open your heart and home to dear Lucky if so please call 07799 264510
Thank you
Looking for a New Home
JasperJasper was being fed by a lady for several months he turned up very thin and young looking, he was extremely nervous and would never come in the house just fed outside. He gradually gained weight and a little trust finally entering the kitchen rubbing himself around the ladies' legs briefly and she could stroke his head slightly. He clearly was maturing into an adult also as the chubby un neutered Tom cheeks appeared and gained alot of weight. He wasn't sick or injured so it was decided to gain his trust by not using the humane trap but getting him in a secure cat carrier to get him to vets for scanning and neutering. As time as gone on he has become more relaxed and eating well and playing with dangling toys. He seems quite happy now after neutering to be expected he has blossomed into a beautiful boy but still extremely nervous but can be stroked on his head for short periods of time. We certainly don't think he needs a farm or stables but someone with time and patience to let him settle in we would consider a indoor home with plenty of company with owners being at home part of the day. Jasper will remain in temporary foster care in a home not in a cattery so he can continue to adapt. As you can see by the photos he certainly isn't stressed and still enjoying a now life of luxury. His life before was miserable fighting for food with other animals outside, sleeping in the cold weather no shelter or warmth. He has doubled in size and weight beautiful markings to. Can you offer this handsome boy a permanent home to be loved maybe one day he will be a lap cat as if he rubs around your legs we are sure he will mellow more in time.
Please call 07799 264510
Summer, Bonnie and Buttons
Beautiful trio so bonded. Two sisters and Buttons who took the girls under his wing. All three came from an elderly gentleman in London who had kept them a secret from the carers but sadly ordered to rehome them by the owners of the property. He was heartbroken but clearly this wasn't an environment for them they weren't neutered or even seen a vet for parasite treatment or vaccines. We are sure he loved them in his own way but long-term they needed more. Not being neutered would have become more than 3 in no time. All 3 are friendly, sweet natured and sleep together including washing each other. Bonnie is the most timid followed by Summer and then confident Buttons. Buttons is 10 months old fully vaccinated, chipped, vet checked, neutered, wormed and de flea. The girls Summer and Bonnie 6 months old again both neutered, Chipped, fully vaccinated, vet checked, wormed and de flead.
They just need their forever new home in a quiet road and stability.
Please call 07799 264510 to register your interest in this fab trio.
  Please still get in touch with us if you are looking for a new kitty to be part of your family. We may not have many cats listed but we are always able to put you on our waiting list or put you in touch with other rescue cats in need.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT                                                                                           © Orpington Cat Rescue