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We have 12 PERMANENT CATS in our care at present. They have
remained with us for many reasons but mostly due to long term
ill health or semi feral to feral and sometimes just because
they are plain black! The funds we raise not only have to feed
and pay for vets bills for the cats we have for homing but also
the 15 permanent cats. This puts on a huge strain with our food
and vet's bills and as time goes on the younger ones become
older and these encounter elderly conditions of medication and
It doesn’t take long for the bills to mount up even though we do
our up most to keep costs down and receive large discounts from
our vets, we all know that treatment is costly. So, here is our
beautiful bunch of 15 felines who are cared for in homes to see
out their days in luxury, warm cosy with plenty of food and love
which is never in short supply. We never put a cat to sleep
because of age or treatable illnesses it is purely their quality
of life and any suffering that would determine the end the life
of any cat in our care.
If you wish to make a donation towards their care as a one off
or a regular donation this can be as little as a £1 a month to
as much as you like. Every £1 makes all the difference. £1 a
month that’s not even a cost of 1 cup of takeaway coffee. Can
you make that difference and help relieve the pressure on our
Our bank details are as follows
Account 41232675
Sort code 09 01 27
Donating is easy please
click on the large donate button and select either to pay a one
off payment or monthly payment by Debit/Credit Card/Paypal. This
can all be done via our website NO forms to fill in. Or if you
prefer you can set up a one off or regular payment by standing
order to Santander Bank Account number 41232675 Sort code
09-01-27, or alternatively please complete a
multi donation form and send it in the post with a cheque
made Payable to Orpington Cat Rescue. |
We have
created a wish list through Amazon, where we have listed much
needed items for the cats.
If you would like to donate any items please click on the Amazon
button below.

Donating is easy please click on the
large donate button and select either
to pay a one off payment or monthly payment
by Debit/Credit Card/Paypal. This can all be done via
our website NO forms to fill in. Alternatively you can
make a one off or regular payment by Bank Transfer to
Santander Bank Account number 41232675 Sort code
Please quote your name as a reference. |
beautiful LUCY sweet natured and gentle. Now age
15 years young. Lucy has remained in our care
due to nobody wanting a 15- year-old cat that
could potentially incur high vets bills in the
near future. Including being able to provide
company during the day also and not left home
alone for hours on end which she has not been
used to. She is now in a loving home as a
longterm foster cat. Which means her vet bills
will be funded by Orpington Cat Rescue if
needed. We couldn't have wished for a better
home Queen of her castle and will be adored and
loved by experienced cat owners who are retired
so around to give Lucy all the attention she
will enjoy. We wanted security for Lucy not
pushed from pillar to post anymore.
She has already had 3 owners and 6 houses from a
tiny kitten in her 15 years. Of course none of
this was Lucy's fault or the owners she had due
to loss of life and health issues by the
previous owners.

Lucy was originally rescued by Orpington Cat
Rescue in 2009 as a tiny kitten with her 2 other
siblings. We homed her to a lovely lady but
sadly that home came to an end in 2017 when the
owner died very suddenly after a fall. Lucy
returned to us as part of our adoption agreement
and we were back on the search for her forever
home at age 9 years old. Everything was going
well and Lucy had been with her new adoption
parents for 6 years but sadly her adoptees were
struggling due to declining health over the past
year or so to give her the one to one care and
contact she needs in 2023.
When Lucy returned to us she had an eye
condition which meant she needed an operation
called Entropion this has now been carried out.
Lucy has made a full recovery and now not in
discomfort, her eyes are now wide open not
squinting and she seems brighter in herself.
Lucy has always been a little nervous doesn't
cope very well with little people but once she
bonds with adults she loves nothing more than a
lap to sit on and being fussed. Lucy has always
been an INDOOR CAT she had the option of a
garden but preferred to stay indoors in all her
previous homes.
We are so pleased Lucy is now settled in her
final home. With love, security and kindness.
is Diabetic, now on insulin and diabetic
food which he loves.
Diahorrea cleared up, his wound healed, his
coat growing back.
His story why he came into our care:
He is 10 years old, sadly his owners were
unable to take care of the vet bills even
after some financial help to get him back on
track. Difficult times for many right now.
So, he was signed over to us. 
Moby had an old wound, diarrhoea and a
matted coat. As you can see, he looks not
the healthiest looking now but his beautiful
eyes and face shine beyond that. A face you
want to squish, a chin to rub, and fluffy
paws to touch. You can see he will look a
magnificent cat once his fur grows back and
he gains weight.
After treatment of antibiotics and hibi
scrub for the old wound, special diet and
pro biotics to clear the diarrhoea, Moby has
started to improve. After stool samples and
bloods, he has been diagnosed with diabetes
caused by untreated pancreatitis - poor
Moby. He is now very stable and enjoying his
new long term foster home.
Was discovered in a barn in the middle of nowhere, He was about
12 weeks old and very hungry, no other cats/mum were found.
After being trapped and taken to the vets for initial health
check and taken under our wing. Although in time he became
friendly with me, he cannot be found if strangers approach the
house, he has remained feral with other people which is
extremely difficult to find a home for cats like this. Gill x
is a feral, born outside and was living in a coal bunker. When
she came to us, she had two nine-month-old kittens and five
five-week-old kittens and they were all so pretty. The older
boys took some time to turn around, but luckily found a loving
home where the owners were happy to work with them and
eventually, they were friendly, loving boys. All the other
kittens were homed very quickly, but sadly their mummy was not.
Tiny stayed with me for three years in which time we tried to
find her a home, but she was too timid so she stayed. Now Tiny
is so much improved living indoors with me she has become my
little friend, but still terrified of strangers. Gill x |
is a sweet little cat now; he has calmed down from when we first
cared for him. He came with his mother and 4 brothers and
sisters. The mother was one of 15 cats trapped at a stable, 9
were female and nearly all pregnant, including Joey's mum. They
were trapped by another charity that was full up, so we offered
to take one and other charities did too. So, Joey's mum had 5
kittens. It's difficult when the mother is feral to handle the
kittens, you get attacked as they are very protective, hence
they were all nervous, but very naughty. Eventually Joey and
Billy went to a home together, but sadly it didn't work out as
these two boys were very naughty and nervous, breaking things
and chewing wires, so sadly they were returned. As there was no
space in the cattery by then, they had to come indoors, and I
had first hand experience of these naughty boys. Black, nervous
and naughty didn't attract the homes so hence they stayed.
Unfortunately, little Billy had to be put to sleep after an
illness and no more could be done and Joey is feeling lost, but
he's a dear little boy as was his lovely brother.
Violet & Fi Fi
is the remaining one left of a pair of gorgeous black kittens
that came into our care in 2007. They were both bought initially
from a pet shop by a young family but after a few days in their
home they then realised they were feral and unsocialised. They
said they wondered why the pet shop owner had worn gauntlets to
get them out of the cage and realised as they couldn't get
anywhere near them and just hid under the bed often spitting.
They were about four months old when we took them on and despite
trying very hard, spending many hours with them over a period of
time to socialise them and trying to find them a suitable home,
all efforts failed, so they were brought indoors from the
cattery, where after a very long time they gradually became
friendly with us, but still nervous with strangers. They both
blossomed into gorgeous lap cats and remained very close. They
were so settled it was decided they would remain in our care.
Sadly Fi Fi was put to sleep at a grand age of 17. Violet was
very upset when dear FiFi was no longer around. Even though she
still had other resident cats as company. Violet is in good
health still and we hope she continues for some time. She
certainly is a gorgeous girl and loved very much. |
Truffles was originally one of a pair with his mother Tabitha,
who very sadly we had to say goodbye to at a very grand age of
These beautiful cats were rescued by us from a back street
breeder, the place was filthy, they had a very lucky escape.
Because they hadn't been socialized at all, they were really
semi feral. When they were with us to begin with, they were kept
in a cattery and when potential owners came to see them, they
would climb the wires. After a long stay they were brought
indoors, where they then became better, but only with people
they knew so hence they stayed. Truffles is nearly 18 years old
(2022) sleeps a lot and misses his mummy as they always cuddled
up together, it's very sad. He's a lovely old boy. |
Ma Ma & Big Boy
Ma & Big Boy and his mum were dumped in a box up a country lane
behind someone's driveway gates. The woman took her children to
school and when she came back there was the box containing mum
and kitten! They grew into two very large cats, longhaired back
and white beauties, but despite being on the website for nearly
three years we had only two enquiries and they were not suitable
homes, so they stayed. Gill x |
Lincoln Blue
blue came into my care about seven years ago. He had been in one
of Gills pens for quite some time. Unfortunately, he was very
difficult to rehome, as he had a history of biting, and would do
this when any prospective owners came to see him. He has only
bitten me a few times, as I have become adept at avoiding any
situation which might provoke this kind of behaviour. Lincoln
(or Linky as I call him) is an old boy now-he's at least
fifteen. He is diabetic, which means that I have to inject him
twice a day. He’s normally cooperative, but he has started to
run away when he sees the syringe. I always catch him, and he
gives in graciously. He is a very handsome boy very
affectionate. As far as the other cats are concerned, Lincoln is
definitely "the boss". Sue x |
is a British British Shorthair, who came into my care about five
years ago. She was used as a breeding cat, and was given away
when the breeder had no more use for her. She had never been
socialised, and, to this day remains very difficult to handle as
she is so timid. She is fine with my other cats, but will only
allow me to put my hand up to her nose. I would love to cuddle
her, but she doesn’t let me. She's so pretty, and is a little
sweetheart, although the vet didn't think so when she bit his
wrist so badly that he had to attend A&E!! I think she will
always be fearful of people, which is rather sad. Sue x |
was originally a stray that one of our members was feeding. She
noticed the little black and white cat was waiting every night
when she put out the fox’s food. Nervous at first, she soon
became friendly with her and eventually she managed to get her
into a basket and get her to the vets. When she found she wasn't
chipped she started to knock at doors, put out notices but no
one came forward so Jilly was put up for homing. We did find her
a nice home, but sadly Jilly was not happy about it and very
nervous and within a few hours had smashed through the locked
cat flap. It took us 6 weeks of searching before we found her,
very thin and very nervous, so she came back into our care.
Several people went to see Jilly but no one chose her, so she
stays with her foster mummy who loves her very much. Sandra x |
beautiful Pickle, she was given her name as she
always seemed to get in a pickle!. Pickle loves
a lap to snuggle into, purrs and dribbles to her
hearts content. She loves to be fussed and
really is a very special girl. Pickle still
thinks she has four legs and runs and plays, she
has no problem with stairs and even a six foot
Pickle was involved in an accident the injuries
pointed & which we believe were caused by a
animal trap. This was not the first time and
sadly the second time her paw was so badly
injured the only option was to have her front
leg removed as she had no feeling and completely
cold the nerves and infection had spread. Pickle
has adjusted well but it took her awhile. She is
still very agile and her owners had no
alternative but to re-home her. They were
concerned if this happened a third time and only
having 3 legs she wouldn't be able to get
herself home with only two mobile legs. And
living in rural Gloucestershire most homes are
surrounded by open spaces, fields, country lanes
and of course traps. There garden was impossible
to cat-proof. She is now in a safe foster home
with a cat-proof fenced/walled garden or catio
where Pickle can still enjoy the outside but
safe away from harm, with no escape route out of
windows and doors at the front.
Pickle is 8 years old, spayed, fully vaccinated,
chipped, vet checked and wormed/deflead. |
Meet beautiful chilled Bubbs. We will never know
the full true story of his start in life no more
than 7 to 8 weeks old. He has Contracted tendons
(twisted legs) to both front legs and we have
been told by a orthopaedic vet this deformity
would have been from birth. In some cases where
the deformity is in one area the legs can have
splits applied and changed daily over a period
of time and then have use of all the legs for
walking but not able to bend. Sadly Bubbs has
this deformity in several areas of each leg so
this procedure cannot be used.
So now we need to go down other avenues of
building his strength on his back legs. And
assess him daily, already in a matter of a weeks
he has gone from hardly walking to running
around using one of his front legs like a monkey
and using his back legs like a rabbit. He has
gained weight and already blossoming.
Was he still in a litter but fighting to get to
food, so not strong enough or was he taken from
his mum to soon we will never know so all we can
do is move forward with the best outcome
He has now built up strength to jump on the sofa
This little fella is determined and with the
TLC, veterinary treatment and advice we are
confident he will thrive and will be able to
lead a life here at Orpington cat Rescue with
access to a secure garden, company of other cats
and plenty of attention just like all the other
cats here with special needs.
JAN 2022
Fast forwarding a few weeks now and Bubbs at 22
weeks old has now been neutered and continues to
thrive and lead a normal life. He has yet to
discover the garden but when the better weather
is here in a couple of months he will have, just
like all the other kitties, a safe cat proof
fenced garden to explore and finding out about
grass, trees, mud, bushes to hide and play in.
Enjoying the sunshine the fresh air and with the
help of us use Swings, climbing frames and toys. |